This page on the New Zealand Debt Management website is the primary source for our media statements. We also use our best endeavours to release relevant media statements via both Bloomberg and email simultaneously. The exception to this rule is any releases on the issue of bonds via syndication. In these situations, the media statement is released first on Bloomberg.
The Investor Update is a monthly E-Newsletter providing a snapshot of key economic, fiscal and monetary policy information and an update on the New Zealand Government Bond Market activity.
NZDM Insights is a new series we intend to publish on a semi-regular basis. They will provide detailed insights on topics that we believe will be of interest to investors in the New Zealand Government Securities market.
The New Zealand Government Securities Funding Strategy provides investors with an overview of the objectives, principles, instruments and mechanisms underpinning the funding strategy for the 2024/25 fiscal year.
The New Zealand Government Securities Overview provides investors with insights into New Zealand’s economic backdrop, institutional framework and Government Securities Market.
Credit ratings are assigned to sovereigns and businesses by international credit rating agencies. Credit ratings provide investors with an indication of the creditworthiness of an entity in which they are considering investing.
Term SheetsInformation Memorandum Relating to IssueApr-25 nominal bond - term sheet (PDF 243KB)Information Memorandum for NZ Govt Bonds dated 22 March 2013 (PDF 163KB)Sep-25 inflation-indexed bond - term sheet (PDF 80KB)Information Memorandum for NZ Govt I
Term SheetsInformation Memorandum Relating to IssueMay-34 nominal green bond - term sheet (PDF 167KB)Information Memorandum for NZ Goverment Bonds dated 19 October 2022 (PDF 372KB)